Reasons to Seek Treatment for Sleep Apnea 

Do you have trouble feeling well-rested after sleeping? Do you usually snore? These are signs that you might have a sleep disorder called sleep apnea. It’s not just a snoring problem. This condition causes you to stop breathing while asleep — and it can cause other issues. Here’s why you should consider visiting our sleep experts in Sylvania, OH, at It Never Hurts to Sleep.

Daytime Drowsiness

You should feel refreshed after a night of sleep. But waking up often due to breathing pauses can stop you from getting the rest you need. This can lead to feeling fatigued or overtired during the day, making it hard or even unsafe to get everyday tasks done, like driving a car.

Mood Changes

Not getting good sleep due to sleep apnea can make you feel moodier than usual. You might snap at people or get angry more easily. Having your condition treated can help you get better rest and feel less stressed and anxious overall.

Higher Health Risks

Did you know that your chance of developing serious health problems can be higher when you have sleep apnea? This sleep disorder is linked to increased risks of health conditions, including:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Heart problems
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol levels

Improved Relationships

Snoring isn’t your fault — but it can make it hard for a spouse or partner to sleep. Sleep apnea treatment helps reduce snoring, allowing your significant other to get enough rest.

Find Help for Sleep Apnea!

Are you ready to seek care for this sleep disorder? At It Never Hurts to Sleep, we offer sleep apnea treatment in Sylvania, OH. Our sleep experts can evaluate you and make a treatment plan to help you breathe easier while sleeping, so you can get better rest night after night!

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